with us today
Volunteers are the heart of Lafayette Habitat for Humanity.

Construction Volunteers:
Individual volunteer opportunities are 9:00am-4:00pm Tuesday-Saturday. No construction experience is necessary and we provide all tools and training necessary. Volunteers must be 16 years old (16 and 17 year-olds must have a signed minor waiver). For group volunteer opportunities please email [email protected] or call 33-456-4671.
ReStore Volunteers:
Every day our ReStores receive donations and prepare them for sale to the general public. If you love the retail environment, and enjoy a DIY project from time to time, come hang out with us at the ReStore. We are located at 3124 NW Evangeline Thruway. Volunteers must be 16 years old (16 and 17 year-olds must have a signed minor waiver). For group volunteer opportunities, please please email [email protected] or call 337-456-4671

Volunteer Types:
*Please note that all volunteers must be 16 years or older to volunteer with Habitat Lafayette.
*Additionally, children under 16 are not allowed to be on site while a parent is serving.
Individuals / Ongoing:
You may volunteer as an individual at our construction sites, ReStore, or any other special events. We would love to have you as much as you are able to join us!
Construction Volunteers:
Join us on the construction site to work side-by-side with future homeowners to build safe and sustainable homes for families in Acadiana. You can make a tangible difference in one day. Volunteers must be 16 years or older. We build homes Tuesday-Saturday, 9:00am-4:00pm.
ReStore Volunteers:
Crew Leaders:
These special volunteers come out to the build site regularly to guide less-experienced volunteers. It’s a modest monthly commitment, and you’ll receive training. These volunteers are an invaluable asset to our mission.
Court-Ordered Volunteers:
Lafayette Habitat accepts volunteers who need to complete court-mandated community service. Please sign up to volunteer through the form at the bottom of the page.
Once you have completed your service hours, click the button below to request a letter to submit to the court. Thank you for choosing to serve with Lafayette Habitat.
Special Event Volunteers:
We partner with several neighborhood groups to improve quality of life within their areas. Some of our other opportunities include neighborhood clean-ups, tree and garden plantings, and other special opportunities.
Volunteer Terms & Conditions
(Note: Parents of minors need to fill out page 4 of the Volunteer Waiver)
Additionally, Lafayette Habitat’s supplementary volunteer policies that are mentioned in our Terms & Conditions (volunteer waiver) that each volunteer signs prior to their shift are below. Click on each policy below for more information!
Please note that it is not necessary for you to print and sign a copy of each policy. Your agreement to these policies is included in the Terms and Conditions document. If you have questions regarding any of these policies, please feel free to contact us.
Contact Us:
Sarah Barbato
Volunteer Engagement Coordinator
[email protected]
O: 337-456-4671