
Lafayette Habitat receives transformational gift

Lafayette Habitat for Humanity, along with Habitat International, and 83 U.S. Habitat affiliate organizations, recently received a total of $436 million in unrestricted giving from American author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. Of that, Lafayette Habitat received $2.5 million. This transformational donation will substantially help further...

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2020 Special Tiny Home Application

2020 Special Tiny Home Application

We will be opening a SPECIAL APPLICATION for the tiny home built in collaboration with UL Lafayette School of Architecture and Design on FEBRUARY 18TH. You can check out pictures below. This one bedroom, one bathroom home would be ideal for a single individual! Again this is special application only for this home. You will be able to pick up an...

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2019 Women Build

The primary mission of Lafayette Habitat’s Women Build fundraiser is women empowering women through homeownership. We are inviting women throughout Acadiana (and not excluding men!) to recruit other individuals and organizations to raise money and join us at our build site during these dates to build a home for a local family in our program. This...

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Jack Family’s Journey to Home Ownership

After years of hard work, dedication, and lots of prayer, Krystal Jack is making final preparations to move her family into their new home by the end of March 2018. Krystal applied to Lafayette Habitat for Humanity’s Home Ownership Program in 2013. She and her family previously lived in a home that lacked proper heating and insulation, had...

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Lafayette Habitat for Humanity receives disaster services grant to aid in flood recovery efforts

Lafayette Habitat for Humanity has been granted a $20,000 disaster services grant from Habitat for Humanity and State Farm®. The grant will be to build homes as part of their August 2016 flood recovery. “With as many an 30,000 homes in our area affected by the flood, recovery will be a long-term effort on multiple fronts. Not only do we need to...

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August 2016 flood victims asked to report damage to recovery organization

The Acadiana Long Term Recover Committee (ALTRC) is actively seeking information from individuals whose homes were damaged and are still in need of recovery assistance. The ALTRC is a coalition of local organizations including (but not limited to) the Acadiana Red Cross, ASSIST Agency, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Lafayette, Catholic...

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2017 Spring Break Collegiate Challenge comes to a close

2017 Spring Break Collegiate Challenge comes to a close

The final week of the 2017 Spring Collegiate Challenge build will began this week, on Tuesday, March 27th. Students from Drew College Prep School will be on site until Saturday, April 1st and will work on the construction site of two Habitat homes. The first four Collegiate Challenge teams have donated $9,450 and nearly 1,800 volunteer hours over...

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